Do you feel trapped in a situation? Helpless? Like there is nothing you can do? There is. Make a decision and own it. Stop bitching about it. Stop saying you have no choice. Stop using your situation or the people around you as an excuse. Stop saying, "It is what it is" and letting the cards fall where they may. You know what kind of people don't have decision making power? Victims. If you want to be a victim, keep saying things like "but what can I do?" after a major bitch session while shrugging your shoulders. When you pretend like you have no choice, you are abdicating responsibility for your life, and turning it over to someone or something else. That is the opposite of empowerment (and adulthood), and it will slowly erode your self-respect and confidence in yourself. I'm not saying that people and circumstances don't impact or influence your choices. If you have children, that will impact your options. Maybe you can't go live ...
On BFF's Only, we cover the things best friends talk about. Some of it is funny, some of it's trivial, some of it is raw, some of it some people may even find offensive. That's why you tell your best friend only, under the cone of safety which is always in use here.