This was a conversation that I had with one of my fellow mom friends about a classmate in her daughter's class. There are so many lessons children can teach us, if we only take the time to listen and to understand. The beauty and pureness in their souls are amazing, and my hope for the world is that light to never become dimmed. My daughter has a child in her kindergarten class that hardly speaks, struggles to understand the rules of kindergarten, really struggles to follow them, cannot use scissors properly, often runs out of the classroom, or can be found sitting in the middle of the classroom or hall putting on his shoes for 15 minutes as he struggles to tie them perfectly symmetrically. Someone has to be with him almost every minute of the day. How will this child impact my daughter’s education? Will she struggle to learn to read this year? How can she learn to add or subtract? I volunteer when I have time in the libra...
On BFF's Only, we cover the things best friends talk about. Some of it is funny, some of it's trivial, some of it is raw, some of it some people may even find offensive. That's why you tell your best friend only, under the cone of safety which is always in use here.