I have these lines, these boundaries that I don't or won't cross. They keep me in check. They keep me from turning into my grandfather, my grandmother, and my father. These boundaries that I guard so carefully keep me from living the lonely life of an alcoholic. There are demons that I know are out there waiting to snatch me up if I cross too far into their territory. The Depression demon whispers that everything is so hard, relationships, putting one foot in front of the other, all of it. Why can't anyone else clean up around here? Why are people such assholes? Why, why, why? That depression demon triggers anger. I don't want to be angry, so I isolate myself from those situations that make me angry, you know, the ones with people in them. My Dad wasn't always an alcoholic, but he has always been depressed and angry. When he drinks, he isn't angry. Angry or drunk though, he never had a great relationship with a...
On BFF's Only, we cover the things best friends talk about. Some of it is funny, some of it's trivial, some of it is raw, some of it some people may even find offensive. That's why you tell your best friend only, under the cone of safety which is always in use here.